
Name: Jurjen Kranenborg (E.J. Kranenborg)

Born: 21 May 1967, Eenrum, The Netherlands

Nationality: Dutch

Family status: Married, three children

Primary residence: Groningen

Secondary residence: Eindhoven/Veldhoven


Contact: Please contact me via LinkedIn (for either professional or private matters)


Current employer & actual function description (from 1 October 2018 – now):


Name: ASML (

Employment Roles:

November 2023 - now: Group Team Lead:

- I transitioned from my former Function Architect (FA) role - specific to the EXE / High-NA EUV platform - to Group Team Lead for the subsystem architects (for both NXE and EXE platforms) in the same group.

- A particularly important aspect of my role is to enable the required professionalization of the group to allow the execution of the technical/functional roadmap that is linked to the foreseen expansion of ASML in the coming decade. 

March 2020 - now : Senior Architect:

Function Architect (FA)  FC-057 Overall Infra EXE:5X00 (High-NA EUV):

- Responsible for the Scanner architecture (EX:5000 and beyond) regarding its "ïnfrastructure". This is the technology needed to get to the required levels of cleanliness and thermal stability for in-spec chip wafer illumination/lithography. These levels are realized by a design that conditions the scanner using the carefully controlled supply of all kinds of fluids (gases, liquids of all types) to the various modules in the scanner. The required control architecture concepts (implemented using sensors/actuators and of course software) are covered as well.

- Risk identification & management,

- Compliance management,

- Dealing with learning and improvement opportunities (technical,  process, establishment of Community of Practice),
- Competence management for the team of function/subsystem architects

Group: Conditioning Infra EUV

Dept.: MC DE SCN E 

October 2018 - February 2020: Project Lead:

LITES (Mobile sensor)



Experience areas:

Global R&D, Strategy & Roadmap development, Team leadership, Technology Transfer, System Architecture, System Integration, Industrialization, Software Engineering, Transformer design, Design optimization, Design Reviews, Computational Physics (CFD & Thermo-hydrodynamic network models), Fluid Dynamics, Heat Transfer, Mass Transfer, Materials Science, Reduced-Order modeling, Dynamical Systems Analysis, Electronics Hardware Design, Digital Electronics, Embedded systems, Microcontrollers and sensors, Technology Management , Standardization, Standards Development, Customer support (external & internal), Project Assessment (14x, Gate Model for progress decision), Special Education, Student Counseling.




-     English (fluent),

-     German (full professional proficiency),

-     Swedish (fluent),

-     Dutch (fluent, native) 



Employment history with main responsibilities


2016 - 2018: Lecturer Engineering (NHL - Stenden University of Applied Sciences):

Embedded systems, Mechatronics, Transport Physics, Materials Science


2005 - 2016: Senior Principal Engineer & Power Transformer Global Architecture Team member (ABB Sweden & Germany):


Formal positions in ABB:

- June 2015 – June 2016: Senior Principal Engineer, ABB Germany (Power Transformers), Bad Honnef

- October 2014 – May 2015: Principal Scientist, ABB Germany (Power Transformers), Bad Honnef

- August 2013 – September 2014: Team Leader (5 members) PPTR Technology Centre,  ABB Corporate  Research, Västerås, Sweden

- January 2010 – July 2013: Principal Scientist & Power Transformer Global Architecture Team member (50 % BU Medium & Large Power Transformers, 50 % ABB Corporate Research)

- April 2008 – December 2009: Senior Research Scientist, Västerås, Sweden

- April 2005 – March 2008: Research Scientist, Västerås, Sweden


Main tasks & responsibilities in ABB:

- Responsibility for ABB-internal design reviews on new strategically important transformer designs, failure cases and external (customer) design review support, using CFD, thermal network models and analytical modeling. 

- Project leadership “Transformer Cooling” (four-person team). Main project activities included:

o   Re-architecting thermal design software as part of major overhaul of transformer software design system (guarding requirements for physical,  technical and user domain views in this process), foreseen as three-year project (2016 – 2018).

o   Division Technology Manager assignment: Mapping and aggregation possibilities of physics simulation technologies and tools in the Transformers division.

- Power Transformer Global Architecture Team member (2010 – 2016), with the following responsibilities:

o   Further development of the thermal area of the ABB-global transformer design architecture (TrafoStar) for ABB’s medium & large power transformers, with responsibility for technology, technical standards, guidelines and designer training on thermal design optimization.

o   Development & implementation strategy for ABB thermal design software (design: thermo-hydrodynamic network models, analysis: CFD models + validation activities).

o   Responsibility for thermal design road map and related project generation for ABB’s power transformers, as well as external publication policy.

- Coordinator & contact person of “Cooling Team” (2010-2016): informal team of 6 people from both Corporate Research and Product Group Transformers that works on all aspects of transformer thermal design , model development, implementation, verification and designer support), including coordination of Product Group and CRC strategies through strategic roadmap development.

- Team Leader, focusing on the implementation of a new PPTR-funded group of experienced research specialists (5 people) for better utilizing R&D competences in the transformer area and knowledge transfer between Corporate Research and the PPTR Division (August 2013 – September 2014).

- R&D to Product Group technology transfer (2015-2016): CFD transformer simulation in order design (designer training, service implementation & model delivery).

- Representation of ABB in international standardization workgroup (CIGRE WG A2.38, task force leader CFD simulation technologies).

- Project Assessor for project reviews (14 times up to now, as part of Gate Model applied to decision process for project follow-up).

- Customer contacts: support with factory audits & promotion of upgrade of design review process for power transformers for increased thermal reliability by design (e.g. Doble Customer Seminar, Dubai 2015, Cordoba Factory Audit by EDF customer, 2011).

- Proposer & supervisor of student projects (see separate section below).


Philips Research Eindhoven (Nat.Lab), The Netherlands (2000 - 2005)

     Research Scientist, Software Architectures group

- Development of Software Architecture approaches (focus on Domain Modeling techniques)

- Application of domain modeling techniques on future consumer electronics applications

o   Services.

o   Patterns for ambient intelligent systems definition (use case definition using Software Architecture patterns).


Waterloopkundig Laboratorium (now part of Deltares) (1998 – 2000)

- Advisor / Researcher at Delft Hydraulics, section Marine and Estuarine Systems,

- Practical work on water quality simulations, development/improvement on model toolset.



Free University of Amsterdam (1996  - 1998), Earth Sciences

- PostDoc Sedimentary Geology, Modeling relation of E. Huxleyii primary production and calcium-carbonate sedimentation for use in palaeo-oceanographic models of primary organic production and CO2 uptake.




- 1991 - 1996: Ph.D. Physics & Astronomy, Utrecht University (Prof. W.P.M De Ruijter & Prof. H.A. Dijkstra) on “Double-Diffusive Convection due to Lateral Thermal Forcing”.

- 1985 - 1991: M.Sc. Applied Mathematics, Twente University, Control functions for orthogonal numerical grid generation. (Prof. P.J. Zandbergen & Dr. B.H. Gilding), performed at Delft Hydraulics.




- Transformer Winding Oil Flow Rate & Hot Spot Temperature: A Straightforward Relationship?, CEPSI 2016 Conference of Electric Power Supply Industry, Bangkok, October 2016 (co-author).

- CIGRE Work Group A2.38 final report: Transformer Thermal Modelling, CIGRE Paris 2016 Session, August 2016 (co-author & Task Force Leader CFD, link, link).

- Hot Spot Determination in Transformer Windings through CFD Analysis, CIGRE WorkSpot VII Colloquium, Rio de Janeiro, 2014 (co-author).

- CFD study of non-guided laminar mixed convection of a high Prandtl number fluid in a transformer winding-like geometry, International Heat Transfer Conference,  IHTC 15, Japan, 2014 (co-author).

- Considerations for the Design, Manufacture, and Retro-filling of Power Transformers with High Fire Point, Biodegradable Ester Fluids, CIGRE Paris 2012 Session, August 2012 (co-author)

- Biotemp® Transformers in the Modern Substation, CIGRE International Colloquium Transformer Research and Asset Management, Zagreb, May 2012 (co-author).

- Thermal modeling of power transformer radiators using a porous medium based CFD approach, THERMACOMP 2011, Dalian, China, 2011 (co-author).

- Numerical Study on Mixed Convection and Thermal Streaking in Power Transformer Windings, 5th European Thermal-Sciences Conference, The Netherlands, 2008 (first author).

- Modeling grain-size distributions, a comparison of two models and their numerical solution, Tectonophysics 320, 347--374, 2000 (co-author with T. Den Bezemer, H. Kooi and S. Cloetingh).

- Layer formation in double diffusive convection (overview article), in: Time-dependent Nonlinear Convection (Advances in Fluid Mechanics), ed: P.A. Tyvand, Computational Mechanics Publications, pp. 139-176, 1998 (co-author with H.A. Dijkstra and J. Molemaker).

- On the evolution of double-diffusive intrusions into a stably stratified liquid: A study of the layer merging process, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 41, 2743-2756, 1998 (first author, co-author: H.A. Dijkstra).

- On the evolution of double-diffusive intrusions into a stably stratified liquid: The physics behind self-propagating layers, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 41, 2113-2124, 1998 (co-author with H.A.Dijkstra).

- Double diffusive layer formation near a cooled liquid-solid boundary, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 41, 1873-1884, 1998 (first author, co-author: H.A. Dijkstra).

- A bifurcation study of double diffusive flows in a laterally heated stably stratified liquid layer, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 39, 2699-2710, 1996 (co-author with H.A. Dijkstra).

- The structure of (linearly) stable double diffusive flow patterns in a laterally heated stratified liquid, Phys. Fluids 7(3), pp. 680-682, 1995 (first author,  co-author: H.A. Dijkstra).

- Double-diffusive Flow Patterns in the Unicellular Flow Regime: Attractor Structure and Flow Development, in: Double-Diffusive Convection, AGU Geophysical Monograph 94, eds: Fernando & Brandt, pp. 89-96, 1995 (first author, co-author: H.A. Dijkstra).




- US-20180240587, Cooling of a Static Induction System (link), 2019

- WO-2015040213, Static Electric Induction System (link), 2015

- WO-2007069207, Access Control in a Network (link), 2006




- 2008 – 2016: Representing ABB in CIGRE Working Group A2.38 (“Thermal Modeling”), Taskforce Leader “CFD modeling”.

- 2012 – 2016: Reviewer, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems / Power Delivery.



Student supervisor projects:

Acting as project proposer & main supervisor on ABB-relevant areas (exploratory, outside of planned projects):

- Liem Tran Chau (TU Eindhoven): Competence Frameworks for the architect domain (2024)

- Mattia Montanari (CNRS Nantes, France): Multi-physics CFD-based Reduced-Order Modeling Approaches Using Commercial Codes (2013).

- Yuhe Jiao (KTH Stockholm): CFD Study on the Thermal Performance of Transformer Disc Windings Without Oil Guides (2012).

- Maria Hjalmars (KTH Stockholm): Optimization Study on Oil Flow and Temperature Distribution in Power Transformer Windings Using Global Optimization Methods  (2011).



Expertise on professional tools & standards:


- Documentation management: Polarion

- Fluid dynamics: ANSYS FLUENT, Gambit & WorkBench.

- Particle transport & EM modeling: Comsol MultiPhysics.

- Model prototyping: MatLab.

- Dynamical systems & continuation analysis: MatCont, CL_MatContL.

- Implementation and programming languages: Python, Visual Studio + Visual Basic, Fortran.

- Office productivity: All main MS-Office tools, MS-Excel including writing of VBA-based scripting applications.

- Embedded: Microcontroller architecture, embedded protocols (I2C, SPI) and sensor technologies, microPython



Value-proven professional courses:

- Project Management & Assessment (Gate Model) at ABB and similar courses at ASML

- Customer-driven Value Creation: Value Model



Interests / Hobbies / Other activities:

- I am a Maker: see my personal website for details on projects and technical approaches:

- History & Politics (I am a member of two political parties and subscribed to five newspapers ...) 

- Support to local scouting group (Uppsala, Sweden): financial responsibility

- Inline skating, badminton, swimming